Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bombs and Bailouts

$700 billion dollar bailout = ~368 Tomahawk missiles

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

How Much Do Bombs Cost You?

A recent Iraq cost analysis reveals the extent to which the American people are being fleeced to continue a war most of them aren't interested in pursuing. One of the compiled statistics brings the financial effects of the war right into the family living room:

The bill so far: $526 billion
Cost per day: $275 million
Cost per household: $4,100

What could your family do with $4100 in one year?
  • Start or contribute to an IRA and plan for your retirement
  • Save for your children's college education
  • Take a family vacation
  • Give the money to a worthwhile nonprofit organization
  • Repair your home
  • Fill in the blank--after all, it's your money
What could we have done with this money as a nation for one year?
What $526 billion could have paid for in the U.S. in one year:
Children with health care: 223 million or
Scholarships for university students: 86 million or
Head Start places for children: 72 million
Who still thinks it's a good idea to stay in Iraq? Not most Iraqis or Americans:
79% of Iraqis oppose the presence of Coalition Forces.
78% of Iraqis believe things are going badly in Iraq overall.
64% of Americans oppose the war in Iraq.

If we built one less bomb, we'd be nearly $2 million closer to promoting help instead of hurt. Build one less!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

School Not Scuds

According to recent college statistics,
About 65 percent of students enrolled at four-year colleges or universities attend institutions that charge tuition and fees of less than $9,000 per year.

One bomb less= 211 new full scholarships for one year (at the $9000 awards)
= 422 new partial scholarships for one year
= 1,900 partial $1000 scholarships for one year

Build a future, not a bomb. Just build one less.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

One Bomb Less

The cost of maintaining a fully equipped military is staggeringly high. Since it's our tax dollars that fund the military, shouldn't we know exactly what we're paying for? A glance at Wikipedia reveals the following:
(As of 2001) the BGM-109 Tomahawk missile model has become a significant part of the US naval arsenal. It gives ships and submarines an extremely accurate, long-range, conventional land attack weapon. Each costs about $1,900,000 USD.
$1.9 million dollars. Each. What do you think could be done in this country (or around the world) if we had an extra $1.9 million dollars? The purpose of this blog is to bring awareness to the American people (and those who want to buy our missiles) as to the things you could do for your people if you just built one bomb less.

That's right. We're not asking for total disarmament. We're not demanding that the military go away and spend nothing. We're just asking that the spending ratio start favoring humans more and bombs less.

While the Department of Defense may claim that spending percentages in the federal budget for the military hover around 15-21%, other groups have pointed out that the real figure is as high as 51%.

They can afford to build one bomb less. And there are plenty of other things we could do with the money.